The Fabric Of Time
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The Fabric Of Time

kr 120,00

  • Forfatter/kunstner/producent: Film
Udgivet:  2010

Indbinding:  DVD



Forlagets omtale:
Have scientists actually been able to produce a full three dimensional image of Christ?Science and religion have often appeared to be on opposing sides, but is that changing? Have science and religion come together to uncover an age-old mystery? Who was Jesus Christ? What did he actually look like? And can the story of his death and resurrection now be proven as true?Viewers are in the jury box as newly found scientific discoveries are presented by scholars, scientists, and historians in an unflinching search for evidence-nothing has been held back. Does a single fibre from an ancient artifact hold the answers?Has science found a way to unlock the hidden information contained in the artifact providing a link to the past-explaining the universe in a whole new light and giving hope to people around the world? Did Christ leave us physical evidence that only now, with quantum leaps forward in science, are we able to understand?See the evidence and decide.Running time 120 minutes.


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