My Sister, My Friend
  • Status :På lager

My Sister, My Friend

kr 390,00

  • Forfatter/kunstner/producent: Willow Tree

Højde: 20 cm

- Walk with me. And along the way, we'll share... everything -

Kunstneren fortæller:
"A sister can save your life. A safety net. You never laugh harder than when you?re laughing with your sisters... or very close dear friends. You share the same history; the inside jokes that no one else would understand in the same way. A sister knows your faults and somehow puts up with them, and loves you in spite of them."I have two sisters ? one nearby and one farther away. When I?m with either one, or both, the walks we take and the talks we have are like one long ongoing conversation... we cover all subjects about anything and everything. By my side, my sisters are with me, in the present moment. This piece is about the rich and sustaining, comfortable constancy of lifelong friends."

Willow Tree

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