  • Status :På lager


kr 204,00

  • Forfatter/kunstner/producent: Willow Tree

Højde: 15,5 cm

- I feel the strength of your love -

Kunstneren fortæller:
"This piece is about the strength and permanence of love. The figure?s gesture proclaims, in an outward way, the happiness of being loved? and that love endures ? it has, and always will be there.
"The etched rock echoes this idea of permanence and strength. Petroglyphs (etchings in stone) were ancient history?s graffiti ? a way of mark-making that expressed feelings in a visual way. We value petroglyphs because they have endured for thousands of years. We treasure that which survives the test of time.
"So the whole piece communicates a love that is strong, sure and lasting."

Willow Tree

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