Live Worship Experience
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Live Worship Experience

kr 130,00

  • Forfatter/kunstner/producent: Casting Crowns
Udgivet:  2015

Indbinding:  CD


Forlagets omtale:
When Mark Hall, lead sing for Casting Crowns, wrote the song "Just Be Held," he had no idea how impactful the song would be in his own life. Mark's cancer diagnosis brought the lyrics into sharp focus. "The lesson for me, and all of us really, is to be mindful of what you say or the words you write down. God has an amazing way of using those words to remind you to rest in Him, rest in truth, and just be held." The song is included on the new live album from Casting Crowns and is a reminder to trust in our God who holds the future in His hands.

Casting Crowns

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